Sunday 12 October 2008

I'd be able to swim if my hands were'nt polishing turds.

First of all i would like to greet you all with a:

"Happy Hangover,"

Hav'nt posted in like a week or two, but I hav'nt had very much free time ever. Trying to get a job (which is now a toss up between Burton and Sainsburys,) doing the work and making beats, canvases and trying to find the time to spend with the people I love, heh.. This first month of BA graphics has been a a hectic one for me. I don't go out at the moment due to lack of money and I.D, so in the hours I spend being a lonesome nictonite hermit, I've been documenting my work a bit for once, So i thought i'd take hold, and document my life / brain a bit. "Sowt it aaht"

First off, I was in the Mac Suite t'other day, sort of boredom surfing, but the boredom Youtube viewing lead me to something I hav'nt seen before and I thought was Quality. Proper class. Just watch it man.

Beautiful. With the blood, the moving and the woah...

I dont know who it's by but its the iconic marsellus wallace scene from Pulp Fiction.

I just wanted to put this up because its really relevant to the current brief I'm doing. The brief is about getting to know a person, but also creating a visual outcome to represent their character. In this case, thats a name badge. The type in the video has so much character and really ties in with that audio as a perfect visual match, and I want to have that strong visual match to represent at least one side of my partner.

That's where I'm slightly stuck.

I think the words i got that described my partner, described two sides of her, So i've been a little blagged as to which side to represent. I'm working it out with notebook work and made quite a bit of progress on a worksheet on friday, I'll Post it when I have a flick of it. Speaking of flicks of work though, I have got some images of the work i produced through the past few weeks to show and tell heh.

After the first group project we did, I got on with printing an alphabet, using only two shapes, My shapes were: Square and Semi- Circle. Here's the result...

Them Brown ones's mine...

Yeah so i like working like this and most definately and defiantly do more of this. Anyway, here's more of my work. Print, Photography, Digital and Illustratory based.

Two of the ten A6 Letter "Rs" I did to visually communicate the word "extend". It was good, the end of that brief was admittantly a bit of a mad rush but I think I like it best that way.

Anyway Following on from that, here's some of the print stuff I did in the workshop at Vernon Street. I know Roger felt my pain... Mono - print is.. sorry to be rude, but pure boring pants. Hate it. Give me screenprinting or etching anyday... non the less heres 1 example of what i was doing.

Mono Printing is done by using a plastic plate which you ink up, then use positive and negative stenicls of whatever you want, in my case letterforms, to prevent or add ink to the image. I think the above print looks a bit like a Drum and bass album cover or something. hehe. Anyway mono printing is'nt as bad as i said it was earlier, it gets really quite theraputic what with the constant cleaning, and inking and turning of phillip and John's handles....

Anyway I digress, here's a mashed fish.

- Drew it in Ben's notebook the other day, heh... I wish I had one for a pet.

Anyway my computer has decided to pack itsself in, so I'm going to give it a rest and make a brew, might make a beat too, as that does'nt require internet! Shall Post later


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