So we came up with some Concepts:
- Try a new night , Martyn's mate puts a night on at mook called No more heroes which plays an eclectic mix of music, new and old.
-Try something new - Dont drink, but enjoy the music. I personally always end up drinking if i have money when im out so i cant really talk on this one..
-Try a new genre, being eclectic can be a really good thing and can broaden your horizons in more ways than music. Socially, culturally creatively, and in some extreme cases, economically..
-A new radio station, search the waves theres some good stuff out there
-Try something new Learn how to make music, So like either produce music via computer, or learn to play an instrument. After some discussion we thought that the target audience for production would most likely by teenagers that are urban and are misbehaving because they have nothing to do! And the instrument learning would most likely best suit adults from 30 years and up that are bored of their jobs and need some sort of creative release to keeo them feeling positive and help them to express themselves.
So, From here, we done some research, and I have decided i need to find out what instruments adults think are iconic, and also what, generally, an urban youth's favourite music genre is...
So i did some surveys. Yet to be filled in as its a little late tonight haha.
I think its worth saying at this point the concept we are going for is the make music one because we can both do it with experience of making music as we both produce and i have been in a few bands in the past.
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