Tuesday 31 March 2009

OUGD104 Self Evaluation

Well. Its been a whirlwind!

What Skills have you developed through this module and how effectively have you applied them?

I think my skills in typography and paper crafting, also idea generation have improved and also my interest in type. The type skills have developed mainly in illustrator with kerning and line spacing etc and I think they have been applied pretty effectively and this has started something for me. I have sparked for type and have been doing allot of research into it. I want to produce some Type lead projects in the near future! Although, I think there was allot more potential for more skills to develop but I didn't take advantage of all the sessions and projects as well as i should have done necessarily.

 What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? 

I have done more photography then I generally would and also allot of collaborative research, such as collecting examples of everyone in the studio's handwriting and also signatures. This helped push my lines of enquiry forward in the what is a line brief and lead to some interesting experiments, and I also think this lead on to the idea for my final resolution. Without my collaborative  research, I wouldn't have got to where i did with my what is a line resolutions.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I think content is a strength in the what is a line resolution and also the layout. This will definitely help me in later projects and is something i am starting to grasp and utilize and want to develop further. 
Earlier will also commented on my perspective drawings, though minimal he said I have a good "sense Of Perspective" This made me wonder why I didn't do more of the perspective drawings. The few I did, I actually really enjoyed, and i think it would beneficial to develop on to push my illustration, (especially digital) forwards and improve the overall aesthetic and accuracy of them.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

My weakness at the moment is definitely the fact that I always seem to limit myself in terms of variety of media. because using different medias can really transform work into something really special. The marker pen in my comfort zone, and in allot of respects i need to ditch it and pick up some different mark making tools, as well as use CS4 better, just to make my presentation of work better. For example, the what s a line final has some distorted text on it due to how i was using indesign this does make the presentation look sloppy form what was a nice loking Pdf until i noticed it. I also need to stop rushing things and put more thought into initial idea generation and also research in order to give myself a better line of enquiry and be able to push my work forward in terms of design and also context.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

Next time I will: 1.  most definitely do more initial research and keep things to more of a concise point instead of going off on crazy tangents which in the end, only waste time and dont actually get anywhere.
2.-Cliche- manage time during long briefs more effectively and put the time aside to do work often in order to build up a strong resolution and back work.
3.Experiments using different media. This would transform my work into something different and also broaden the lines of enquiry in terms of where i want projects to go.
4.FOCUS! i would benfit from this because my work would improve!
5.dedicate more time on long briefs instead of doing the odd hour, spending solid amounts of time creates solid amounts of work and that is something that would have greatly benefitted this project.

How would you grade yourself on the following areas:

(please indicate using an ‘x’) 


5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

Attendance 4
Punctuality 4
Motivation 2
Commitment 2
Quatity of work produced 2
Quality of work produced 3
Contribution to the group. 3

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